Interview with Igor before the release of short film "Minus 1" at film festival in Slovenia

Igor as a guest on the First Radio Program of Slovenia

Interview in Kranjčanka

Publicity - FRONT PAGE

Slovenian in Chuck

Encore Award

Clooney is Entertaining

Last Year Became US Citizen

Actor Selling Mansions (in newspaper)

Actor Selling Mansions(on web)

Out of Order by Ray Cooney

The Homecoming by Harold Pinter 3

The Homecoming by Harold Pinter 2

The Homecoming by Harold Pinter 1

Award for Performance of Good German by Anton Chekhov

Award for Solo Performance of Good German by Anton Chekhov

Award - Poetry of Music & Word

Good German by Anton Chekhov

Man Has To Act From Inside

I Want to Make People Laugh or Make Them to Cry

1st Acting Seminar for Blind & Vision Impaired