Los Angeles Film Academy INTERNATIONAL
Hollywood film acting classes designed specifically for international students
+1 626/246-6348

ACTING Faculty
Igor Korošec
Head of Acting Department

Igor Korošec graduated from Russian Academy of Theater Arts, where he was blessed to learn his craft directly from masters that personally knew Stanislavski. They have thought him that Stanislavski has been improving his method throughout his life. Igor has learnt Stanislavski’s latest – étude based technique, which he is passionate about sharing and teaching it to his students.
When Mr. Korošec moved to Hollywood, California (U.S.A.) in 1996 he immediately noticed that Stanislavski method works perfectly in Hollywood film, television productions as well as for voice-over in video games, in commercials and even in a newer - digital media. Out of curiosity he started researching more about major "American" acting techniques of teachers like Stella Adler, Sanford Meisner, Lee Strasberg and several others. Besides the historical facts that these legendary American acting teachers have all created their system based on the one of Stanislavski. Although all these acting schools use very different exercises, they are all based on actor's psychology and require for an actor to fully expose his heart and soul and dare to be vulnerable. All these acting schools achieve the same results - an actor that acts so very organically and naturally, and that audience put into a category of great actors / stars.
Based on this conclusion Mr. Korošec started to believe that over the years his preparation for acting roles also changed, although he wasn't able to explained what actually changed. When he was preparing himself for teaching a master acting class in Crete (Greece) in 2016, he realized that it is each individual's personal truth that determines if one is a strong actor that an audience believes, or not. He started teaching that to some students and saw much faster understanding of the Stanislavski system and its implementation into acting in productions done by Hollywood, Bollywood, Dubai, Shanghai or any other. Students growth started happening faster.
Igor Korošec is currently writing a book about his discovery with a title "The Truth is in the Soul of Beholder".
Igor believes that no acting method or system really works without investing in yourself personally - your personal truth. The more courageous you are to express your inner truth, the stronger will be your 'suggested circumstances' (i.e. choices) and consequently your performance.
As an acting coach Mr. Korošec doesn't tell students how they should do something, but rather help them finding the right "suggested circumstances" within themselves. Students should immediately feel the difference between times when "suggested circumstances" work for them, as they will feel freedom, comfort and inspiration surrounding them.
Since 1994 Igor has been teaching various acting classes, (i.e. improvisation, cold reading, Hollywood auditioning, on-camera, Stanislavski technique, étude method of acting, Shakespearean acting, scene study, etc.) to various students (ages 3-92, of any ethnicity, several different religious groups, blind students, AA groups, kids with ADD, veterans with PTSD, business professionals, etc.) in various European countries as well as in United States of America, where his latest group acting classes were taught at UCLA Extension. Mr. Korošec has been well sought as a private coach before auditions as well as on Hollywood set after coaching Hollywood actors like David J. Steinberg (famous for his roles in movies like “Willow” and “Fur”) and James Francis Kelly III (famous for his role of Steps in “Rocky Balboa”).
As an actor Igor Korošec has worked on the set with award winning directors Mike Nichols, Steven Soderbergh and others. His acting credits include movies, TV shows, theater and voice over work such as: The Good German, Charlie Wilson’s War, Take Flight, Diminished, Grimm, Chuck, Undercovers, Rizzoli and Isles, The Unit, Alias, The Rookie: CTU, Wolfstein: The New Order, 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand, Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain, SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs, King John, Romeo and Juliet, A Servant to Two Masters, Jewish Novels, etc.

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